Jessica Almqvist
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Political Rights vs. Constitutional Law: The Catalan Crisis
Jessica Almqvist
(2024) Politics and Rights Review
Journal articleRecensión. TORRECUADRADA GARCÍA-LOZANO, S. y RUBIO FERNÁNDEZ, E.M. (Eds), La contribución de la Corte Internacional de Justicia al imperio del Derecho internacional en tiempos convulsos: aproximaciones críticas, Aranzadi, Madrid, 2023, 284 pp.
Jessica Almqvist
(2024) Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales , p.615-618
ReviewSecesión y democracia. La perspectiva jurídica internacional y europea ante el “Procés” catalán (2012-2017)
Jessica Almqvist, Rafael Arenas García, Patricia Arias, Juan María Bilbao Ubillos, Araceli Mangas Martín, et al.
ReportReclaiming Political Rights During a Rule of Law Crisis : The Role of the UN Human Rights Committee
Jessica Almqvist
(2024) Hague Journal on the Rule of Law
Journal articleWeaponized genomics : potential threats to international and human security
Subhayan Chattopadhyay, Tony Ingesson, Alberto Rinaldi, Oscar Larsson, J J Widen, et al.
(2024) Nature Reviews. Genetics, 25 p.1-2
Journal article (letter)Öppet brev till Tobias Billström om 7 oktober och rätten till självförsvar inom folkrätten
Markus Gunneflo, Gregor Noll, Amin Parsa, Pål Wrange, Valentin Jeutner, et al.
(2023) Dagens juridik
Journal article (comment)Weaponized Genomics: New Threats to International Security and Human Rights
Alberto Rinaldi, Subhayan Chattopadhyay, David Gisselsson Nord, Tony Ingesson, Oscar Larsson, et al.
(2023) Nature Reviews. Genetics
Journal article (comment)La Unión Europea y la resolución 1325 del CSNU : The European Union and UNSC resolution 1325
Jessica Almqvist
(2022) Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad. La Resolución 1325 veinte años después , p.177-177
Book chapterEspaña en el mundo 2023: perspectivas y desafíos en democracia, derechos y ciudadanía
Jessica Almqvist, Carmen González Enríquez, Ignacio Molina, Maria Solanas, Jorge Tamanes
ReportEnseñando derechos humanos como materia de derecho internacional en tiempos de expansión, diversificación y confrontación
Jessica Almqvist
(2022) Academia. Revista sobre Enseñanza del Derecho, 39 p.15-49
Journal articleEl impacto de la política de denuncias y retiros sobre la protección internacional de derechos humanos
Jessica Almqvist
(2022) Derechos humanos : Ideas para su protección internacional , p.61-78
Book chapterThe regulation of human genome germline modifications at the national level: A call for legal reform
Andrea Boggio, Cesare Romano, Jessica Almqvist
(2021) Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, 43 p.201-226
Journal articleRekindling the Agenda on Women, Peace and Security: can the EU lead by example?
Jessica Almqvist
(2021) Analysis of the Elcano Royal Institute, 2021 p.1-1
Journal articleRemissyttrande: Krav på kunskaper i svenska och samhällskunskap för svenskt medborgarskap (SOU 2021:2)
Henrik Wenander, Jessica Almqvist
Consultation responseTowards a rule of law-based global strategy for countering international terrorism in areas of limited statehood.
Jessica Almqvist
(2021) Rule of Law and Areas of Limited Statehood , p.206-232
Book chapterA human rights approach to risk. The case of clinical human germline editing
Jessica Almqvist
(2021) Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, 43 p.185-200
Journal articleLa Corte Internacional de Justicia como foro para el litigio estratégico de Derechos Humanos
Jessica Almqvist
(2021) Los nuevos retos de la Corte Internacional de Justicia : Los desafíos de la Corte Internacional de Justicia y las sinergias entre la Corte y otros órganos jurisdiccionales , p.215-243
Book chapterCOVID-19 and human rights : Conjuring up a defence of the right to science
Jessica Almqvist
(2020) Expert Comments of the Elcano Royal Institute, 38/2020
Journal articleEthical Questions in Gene Therapy
Inigo de Miguel Beriain, Jessica Almqvist
(2019) Precision Medicine for Investigators, Practitioners and Providers , p.525-531
Book chapterTowards a Human Rights Framework for Germline Engineering Regulation
Andrea Boggio, Cesare Romano, Jessica Almqvist
(2019) Human Germline Modification and the Right to Science: A Comparative Study of National Laws and Policies , p.585-617
Book chapterIntroduction
Andrea Boggio, Cesare Romano, Jessica Almqvist
(2019) Human Germline Modification and the Right to Science: A Comparative Study of National Laws and Policies
Book chapterGovernance of human germline modification at the international and transnational level
Cesare Romano, Andrea Boggio, Jessica Almqvist
(2019) Human Germline Modification and the Right to Science: A Comparative Study of National Laws and Policies , p.22-79
Book chapterRegulation of human germline modification in Europe
Jessica Almqvist, Cesare Romano
(2019) Human Germline Modification and the Right to Science: A Comparative Study of National Laws and Policies , p.155-216
Book chapterThe Human Right to Science and the Regulation of Human Germline Engineering
Andrea Boggio, Bartha Knoppers, Jessica Almqvist, Cesare Romano
(2019) CRISPR Journal, 2 p.134-142
Journal articleAmnistía en la crucijada : Amnesty at the crossroads
Jessica Almqvist
(2019) El Pais
Newspaper articleThe European Union and the Recognition of States
Jessica Almqvist
(2019) Changing Borders in Europe : Exploring the Dynamics of Integration, Differentiation and Self-Determination in the European Union , p.129-145
Book chapterMaximising the outcomes of Spain’s political engagement with the UN
Jessica Almqvist
(2018) Analysis of the Elcano Royal Institute, 25
Journal article (comment)Transforming the United Nations: countering the US budget-cut threats
Jessica Almqvist
(2017) Analysis of the Elcano Royal Institute, 71
Journal article (comment)Cultural institutions/infrastructure and human rights
Jessica Almqvist
(2016) Culture and Human Rights: The Wroclaw Commentaries , p.136-139
Article in encyclopediaSelecting the next UN Secretary-General: a shared responsibility
Jessica Almqvist
(2016) Analysis of the Elcano Royal Institute, 62
Journal article (comment)Protección de los civiles en los conflictos armados mediante la represión criminal internacional
Jessica Almqvist
(2016) Cursos de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales de Vitoria-Gasteiz 2016 , p.27-89
Book chapter‘Even war has rules’: a call for global action to protect civilians
Jessica Almqvist
(2016) Analysis of the Elcano Royal Institute, 23
Journal article (comment)Global Judicial Governance of Cultural Diversity: The Role of the European Judge
Jessica Almqvist
(2015) ESIL Conference Paper Series No. 2/2015
Conference paperEnforcing the Responsibility to Protect Through Solidarity Measures
Jessica Almqvist
(2015) International Journal of Human Rights, 19 p.1002-1016
Journal articleTowards more effective global security governance through UN@EU cooperation
Jessica Almqvist
(2015) Analysis of the Elcano Royal Institute, 32
Journal article (comment)Spain and the UN Security Council: global governance, human rights and democratic values
Jessica Almqvist
(2015) Expert Comments of the Elcano Royal Institute, 29
Journal article (comment)Responding to the Plight of Victims of Terrorism: European Responses and Dilemmas
Jessica Almqvist
(2015) Protecting Vulnerable Groups. The European Human Rights Framework , p.339-357
Book chapterA Human Rights Appraisal of the Limits to Judicial Independence for International Criminal Justice
Jessica Almqvist
(2015) Leiden Journal of International Law, 28 p.91-112
Journal articleComplicidad como cuestión de derecho internacional
Jessica Almqvist
(2015) ¿Usted también, doctor? Complicidad de funcionarios y abogados durante la dictadura , p.289-303
Book chapterEl derecho de asilo y los límites a su aplicación por delito de lesa humanidad
Jessica Almqvist
(2014) Revista Española de Derecho Internacional, LXVI p.129-132
Journal articleThe Politics of Recognition: The Question about the Final Status of Kosovo
Jessica Almqvist
(2013) Statehood, Self-determination and Minorities: Reconciling Tradition and Modernity in International Law , p.165-186
Book chapterSearching for Common Ground on Universal Jurisdiction: The Clash between Formalism and Soft Law
Jessica Almqvist
(2013) International Community Law Review, 15 p.437-457
Journal articleEl futuro de la seguridad humana: una reflexión desde los derechos humanos
Jessica Almqvist
(2013) Seguridad humana. Aportes críticos al debate teórico y politico, , p.155-174
Book chapterEl respeto debido a las personas en tiempos de conflicto: el rol del regimen internacional de derechos humanos
Jessica Almqvist
(2013) La justicia en transición: concepto, instrumentos y experiencias , p.117-136
Book chapterLa persecución extraterritorial de la mutilación femenina
Jessica Almqvist
(2013) Revista Española de Derecho Internacional, LXV p.262-267
Journal articleHuman Rights. Oxford International Law Bibliographies Online
Jessica Almqvist
(2012) Oxford Bibliographies Online
Journal article reviewRecordando a todas las víctimas en la lucha mundial contra el terrorismo
Jessica Almqvist
(2012) Terrorismo y legalidad internacional , p.361-387
Book chapterReconocimiento de Estados y de Gobiernos
Jessica Almqvist
(2012) Manual de Derecho Internacional , p.113-128
Book chapterEl derecho del asilo y la obtención de medios probatorios: el valor de los informes de las organizaciones defensoras de derechos humanos
Jessica Almqvist
(2012) Revista Española de Derecho Internacional, LXV p.187-190
Journal articleCoping with Multiculturalism through Cosmopolitan Law
Jessica Almqvist
(2010) Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law , p.95-111
Book chapterContratistas militares privados
Jessica Almqvist
(2010) Piratas, mercenarios, soldados, jueces y policías: nuevos desafíos del Derecho penal europeo e internacional , p.97-104
Book chapterJusticia Transicional en Iberoamérica
BookThe Politics of Recognition, Kosovo and International Law
Jessica Almqvist
(2009) Elcano Royal Institute Working Papers Series, 14
Working paperComplementarity and Human Rights: A Litmus Test for the International Criminal Court
Jessica Almqvist
(2008) Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, 30 p.335-365
Journal articleA Human Rights Qritique of European Judicial Review: Counter-terrorism Sanctions
Jessica Almqvist
(2008) International and Comparative Law Quarterly , p.303-331
Journal articleThe Impact of Cultural Diversity on International Criminal Proceedings
Jessica Almqvist
(2006) Journal of International Criminal Justice, 4 p.745-764
Journal articleEl Consejo de Derechos Humanos: Oportunidades y Desafíos
(2006) , 40
BookBuilding a New Role for the United Nations. The Responsibility to Protect
Carlos Espósito, Jessica Almqvist
ReportRethinking Security and Human Rights in the Struggle against Terrorism
Jessica Almqvist
(2005) , p.1-21
Conference paperThe Accessibility of European Integration Courts from an NGO Perspective
Jessica Almqvist
(2005) Civil Society, International Tribunals and Compliance Bodies , p.271-292
Book chapter