Sandra Ahrén
Adjunct lecturer
Martin Albinsson
Doctoral student
Ehab Alhousari
Doctoral student
Jessica Almqvist
Maria Aminoff
Doctoral student
Annika Andersson
Adjunct lecturer
Ulrika Andersson
Manni Ardzejewska
Doctoral student
Serde Atalay
Doctoral student
Martina Axmin
Associate senior lecturer (Leave of Absence)
Tova Bennet
Associate senior lecturer
Gunnar Bergholtz
Professor emeritus
My Bergius
Matilda Bergström
Doctoral student
Sara Bergström
Doctoral student
Amanda Bills
Doctoral student
Margareta Björkvald
Doctoral student
Julia Björverud
Doctoral student (Leave of Absence)
Jesper Blomberg
Adjunct lecturer
Michael Bogdan
Professor emeritus