MOOC - Massive Open Online Courses
We have four MOOC:s available on the learning platform Coursera. The courses examine fields such as European Business Law and Artificial Intelligence in a legal context.
MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course and are university courses open for everyone. This type of courses became popular in 2012 when universities such as Stanford, Harvard and MIT invested heavily in them. Today, millions of people study MOOC:s worldwide. A MOOC does not give credits.
The MOOC:s given by us are:
This course is a MOOC course offered on the platform Coursera. The course requires approximately four weeks of part-time studies. The course aims to provide participants with an elementary understanding of how artificial intelligence (AI) impacts different areas of society and law. The course covers a wide array of topics, ranging from the basics of AI hardware and software to how AI can be used within different areas of law and what legal questions this usage may raise.
The course is developed specifically to inform members of the general public in what way the increasing use of artificially intelligent technologies affects the practice and administration of law defined in a broad sense. The course aims to equip members of the general public with an elementary ability to understand the meaningful potential of AI for their own lives. The course also aims to enable an understanding for the consequences of using AI and the challenges that this usage may bring in the future.
Subject matters discussed include the connection between AI and Law in the context of legal responsibility, law-making, law-enforcing, criminal law, the medical sector and intellectual property law. The main goal of the course is to equip the participant with an elementary ability to understand the meaningful potential of AI on an individual and societal level.
The course is universal and useful to persons outside both Sweden and the European Union. Prior knowledge of law is an advantage, but not a prerequisite. The same applies for prior knowledge of technology and artificial intelligence. The first module of the course provides participants with an overview of the phenomena AI and explains what an artificially intelligent programme is and how law relates to these programmes.
The European Union is one of the world’s largest and most important economies. In order to optimize the understanding for its functions, our popular courses in European Business Law are now available as separate courses as well as a specialization!
This specialization is a 3-course bundle that will teach learners the fundamentals of European Business Law, each course covering five weeks of studies at an occupation rate of approximately 20 %. The series is useful to persons both inside and outside the European Union, whether they are students, professionals, or simply interested in the European Union and European Business Law. Prior knowledge of law and the European Union is an advantage, but not a prerequisite. The introduction module in the first course provides students with an overview of the history, institutions and legal method of the European Union.
In the first course, Understanding the Fundamentals, the learner will examine core structures and principles of the European Union as well as the main sources of law. This includes, amongst other aspects, being able to navigate EU legal sources and relate EU law to national laws.
In the second course, Doing business in Europe, the learner will focus on the main laws and regulations that regulate various aspects of establishing, running and governing a business within the European Union.
In the, final course, Competing in Europe, the learner will go into more depth about how to competition the internal market and protect your brand, product or invention. This will include creating a competitive edge for a company and applying the basic principles of EU competition law, construct and present a persuasive legal argument, and so on.
The courses can be taken separately or as a specialization. Upon completion of the specialization, the participant is rewarded with the Specialization Certificate, as well as separate certificates for the individual courses.
Register for the first European Business Law course on the Coursera website.
Register for the MOOC specialization on the Coursera website.
The MOOC administration
mooc [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se (mooc[at]jur[dot]lu[dot]se)
Register for one of the university's MOOC:s on the Coursera website.