Graphic profile, templates and web accessibility
Graphic Profile
Logotypes, typography, colours, image styles and graphic elements make up the building blocks of our graphic profile. Each part communicates that our University is both classic and dynamic, and they combine to create a cohesive visual identity.
The graphic profile was decided by the vice-chancellor and applies to all activities which are organisationally part of Lund University. It is important that you apply the profile in all material produced on behalf of Lund University, whether printed or digital, both within and outside the University.
To support you in your work, there are templates and tools for you to use.
Document templates for Word
There are different templates with the Faculty of Law's sublogotype for Word. These templates are also prepared for accessibility-adaption if the document is to be published on the web or in the learning platform.
The templates are available in the folder called Juridicum_mallar, which you can find when you create a new Word document.
Other templates
On Lund University Staff pages you can find more information about templates and links to download various university-wide templates, e.g. for PowerPoint and PhD thesis.
Accessible documents for the website
Lund University's websites are subject to the Law on Accessibility to Digital Public Services (European Union Web Accessibility Directive), which requires that both technology and content be accessible to visitors, regardless of any disabilities.
The documents that are to be published on the faculty's website must therefore be adapted for accessibility. Preferably use the PDF format. If it is possible to present the information as a web page instead of in a document, it is always preferable, as a web page is better from an accessibility perspective than a document.
Keep the following in mind when creating your document:
- Start with one of the prepared document templates in Word to facilitate the work of adapting your document to accessibility.
- Use the style sheet in your document to create headings, body text, bulleted lists and more.
- Think about the contrast between background and text. Preferably use black text on white background.
- Avoid complicated table structures, as a lot of work is required to adapt them for accessibility.
- Add alternative text to images and figures.
- Make sure that the language settings match the language of the text. If your text is in English, the language of the document must be set to English.