Thesis title: Automatisk vårdnadsöverflyttning vid dödligt våld inom familjen och dess förenlighet med artikel 8 i Europakonventionen.(Automatic transfer of custody in cases of fatal violence within the family and its compatibility with Article 8 of the European Convention.)
The jury's motivation in translation to English: Caroline's thesis contains an in-depth analysis of legal issues surrounding the best interests of the child and transfer of custody in cases of fatal violence within the family. The thesis includes a comprehensive analysis of case law from, among others, the European Court of Human Rights.
By examining the relationship between the European Convention and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the author highlights the need for an individual assessment of the child's best interests and the consideration of the child's views.
The thesis is an excellent example of academic rigor and a commitment to children's rights, contributing to the legal and policy debate about children living with violence in the family.
Caroline's thesis is written in Swedish and was supervised by Kristian Gustafsson.