Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Associate senior lecturer
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Machine Discretion and Democratic Practice
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2024) International Journal of Law and Information Technology
Journal articleDecoding the Rights of Companies in the Technocene
(2024) Transnational Legal Theory
Editor for a journalHiding the Machine: Stories, Rights and the Naturalisation of Corporate Technology
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2024) Transnational Legal Theory
Journal articleLaw and the Governance of Artificial Intelligence
Eduardo Gill-Pedro, Andreas Moberg
(2024) Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions, 2023
Journal articleSolidarity Through the Lens of Functional Constitutionalism
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2023) Nordic Journal of European Law, 6 p.113-113
Journal articleProtecting the Free Speech of Companies? : The US Supreme Court Decision in 303 Creative LLC v Elenis
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Web publicationWhose Freedom is it Anyway? The Fundamental Rights of Companies in EU Law
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2022) European Constitutional Law Review, 18 p.183-206
Journal articleLegality and legitimacy in international law
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2022) The International Legal System as a System of Knowledge , p.203-216
Book chapterThe Most Important Legislation Facing Humanity? The Proposed EU Regulation on Artificial Intelligence
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2021) Nordic Journal of European Law, 4
Journal article (comment)Review of Emma Ahlm, EU Law and Religion: a study of how the Court of Justice has adjudicated on religious matters in Union Law (Uppsala University 2020)
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2021) Nordic Journal of European Law, 4 p.131-131
ReviewRemissyttrande: Bolags rörlighet över gränserna (SOU 2021:18)
Niklas Selberg, Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Consultation responseIntroduction
Eduardo Gill-Pedro, Ulf Linderfalk
(2021) Revisiting Proportionality in International and European Law: Interests and Interest-Holders , p.1-11
Book chapterRevisiting Proportionality in International and European Law : Interests and Interest- Holders
Ulf Linderfalk, Eduardo Gill-Pedro
BookProportionality and the Human Rights of Companies under the echr—Whose Interests Are at Stake?
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2021) Revisiting Proportionality in International and European Law : Interests and Interest- Holders , p.53-69
Book chapterClaiming Human Rights: The Reflexive Identity of the People
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2020) Constituent Power : Law, Popular Rule and Politics
Book chapterThe Commission’s proposal for a European Minimum Wage : Another ultra vires challenge for the EU?
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Web publicationTowards General Principles 2.0: The Application of General Principles of EU Law in the Digital Society
Xavier Groussot, Anna Zemskova, Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2020) General Principles of EU Law and the EU Digital Order
Book chapterProportionality and the human rights of companies under the ECHR - Whose interests are at stake?
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2020) Nordic Journal of International Law, 89 p.327-342
Journal articleProportionality in international law : Whose interests count?
Eduardo Gill-Pedro, Ulf Linderfalk
(2020) Nordic Journal of International Law, 89 p.275-285
Journal article (comment)EU General Principles in the Digital Society
Xavier Groussot, Anna Zemskova, Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Web publicationDivisible, Contingent and Parochial? : The instrumentality of EU fundamental rights
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2019) Os Direitos Humanos por um fio? : Perspetivas transdisciplinares em torno dos direitos humanos em tempos difíceis
Book chapterImmunity or Community? : Security in the European Union
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2019) Swedish Studies in European Law
Book chapterRemissyttrande: Promemorian Åtgärder som underlättar för brittiska medborgare i Sverige vid ett avtalslöst brexit
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Consultation responseSpre principii generale 2.0 : aplicarea principiilor generale ale dreptului Uniunii Europene în societatea digitală*
Xavier Groussot, Anna Zemskova, Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2019) Revista Română de Drept European , p.56-81
Journal articleEU Law, Fundamental Rights and National Democracy
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2018) Routledge Research in Constitutional Law
BookEU Environmental Rights as Human Rights: Some Methodological Difficulties
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2018) Environmental Rights in Europe and Beyond
Book chapterArticle 276 TFEU
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2018) Smit & Herzog on The Law of the European Union
Book chapterThe EU as a Coercive Polity? The Case of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Conference paperRemissyttrande: Ekonomiska sanktioner mot terrorism (SOU:2018:27)
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Consultation responseA Fundamental Right to Tax Enforcement? A response to Prof. Capaldo
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Web publicationLearning to let go – the Charter of Fundamental Rights after Brexit
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Web publicationThe Duty of Mutual Trust in EU Law and the Duty to Secure Human Rights : Can the EU's Accession to the ECHR Ease the Tension?
Eduardo Gill-Pedro, Xavier Groussot
(2017) Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 35 p.258-274
Journal articleFreedom to conduct business in EU law : freedom from interference or freedom from domination?
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2017) European Journal of Legal Studies, 9 p.103-134
Journal articleRemissyttrande: Genomförande av ICT-direktivet (Ds 2017:3)
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Consultation responseEU Fundamental Rights and National Democracies : Complementary or Contradictory?
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
DissertationThe CJEU washes its hands of Member States’ fingerprint retention : Joined Cases C-446/12 – 449/12 Willems
Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Web publicationOld and new human rights in Europe : The scope of EU rights versus that of ECHR rights
Xavier Groussot, Eduardo Gill-Pedro
(2014) Shaping Rights in the ECHR : The Role of the European Court of Human Rights in Determining the Scope of Human Rights , p.232-258
Book chapter