Research Conference: Knowledge for Sustainable Development 2024
Lund University invites to its 4th official research conference on sustainable development. The conference is aimed at all researchers at Lund University who want to increase their knowledge about the challenges that lie ahead, learn how their research can contribute to change, and strengthen their contacts with researchers from other disciplines.
The Lund University Conference on Knowledge for Sustainable Development is a yearly interdisciplinary one-day research conference that aims to highlight sustainability research at Lund University.
With this year’s sub-title Our shared future in times of global conflict and crisis, the conference wants to raise and highlight how great societal events affect the scientific community. What past conflicts and crises has led to changes in society and what challenges do we face today? And how do we handle or solve these crises?
Are you interested in presenting your research at the conference?
We welcome researchers at Lund University to submit their research contributions relating to sustainable development. The research contributions will be presented orally during the thematic parallel sessions.
The deadline to send in an abstract is 8th of October.
Read more about the Call for abstract at
Learn more and register for the conference
Visit the conference webpage for more information and to register for the conference: Knowledge for Sustainable Development 2024 webpage -
Last day to register is 15th of November.
For questions, please contact ylva [dot] van_meeningen [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (ylva[dot]van_meeningen[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
About the event
Stadshallen, Stortorget 9, Lund
Target group:
Invited are researchers associated with Lund University, as well as other researchers, stakeholders, and students who wish to join the discussions and share their views and learn more about research conducted at Lund University.
In English
ylva [dot] van_meeningen [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se